
Appreciative Inquiry

Appreciative Inquiry is a strengths-based approach to organizational development and change management that focuses on identifying and amplifying the positive aspects of an organization. Rather than problem-solving or deficit-based thinking, Appreciative Inquiry seeks to leverage an organization's strengths, successes, and positive experiences to foster transformational change.

Appreciative Inquiry supports strategy by:

  1. Discovering Strengths and Opportunities: Appreciative Inquiry begins by identifying and appreciating the organization's existing strengths, successes, and positive experiences. This process encourages stakeholders to focus on what is working well within the organization and leverages those strengths to create a unique and powerful strategy.
  2. Visioning and Goal Setting:Appreciative Inquiry encourages stakeholders to envision an ideal future for the organization based on its strengths and successes. Through collaborative dialogues and storytelling, stakeholders co-create a shared vision of what the organization can become. This vision serves as a guiding beacon for strategic planning and goal setting, aligning stakeholders around common objectives and aspirations.
  3. Engagement and Participation: Appreciative Inquiry engages stakeholders at all levels of the organization in the strategic planning process, promoting inclusivity, ownership, and commitment. By involving employees, customers, and other stakeholders in Appreciative Inquiry workshops and dialogues, organizations tap into a diverse range of perspectives and ideas, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose. This high level of engagement increases buy-in and support for strategic initiatives, enhancing their likelihood of success

Overall, Appreciative Inquiry supports strategy by fostering a positive organizational culture, promoting innovation, engaging stakeholders, aligning vision and goals, facilitating action planning and implementation, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement and learning.